- D. De Santis, “‘Good Europeans’: A Nietzschean Notion in Husserl’s Philosophy?”, Phenomenology and Society International Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia (December 2-4, 2021)
- A. Tropia, "A Scotist imbroglio? What to grasp of Scotus on individuals", talk given at the II Congress of the Sociedade Brasileira para o Estudo da Filosofia Medieval (SBEFM), organised by Alfredo Storck (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre) (1rst December 2021 - online). Full program here: http://sbefm.com/artigo/congresso2021/ and recording of the intervention: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZtO2jUzYv8
- A. Tropia, "On the side of Duns Scotus. How to conceive of assimilation?", seminar given at the workshop "Journées d'étude d'intentio. Nouvelles recherches sur l'intentionnalité au Moyen-Age" , organized by Véronique Decaix (Gramata, Université de Paris I, IUF) (24th September 2021). Full program here: https://www.academia.edu/52511973/On_the_side_of_Duns_Scotus_How_to_conceive_of_assimilation
- A.Tropia, "Cognition in the Age of Post-Reformation. Juan Maldonado's Synthesis on the Human Soul". Presentation at the "De cognitione", 8th SOFIME Congress, (Society of Medieval Philosophy) (University of Porto, Instituto de Filosofia) (September 6-8, 2021). Full program and abstract here: https://ifilosofia.up.pt/activities/de-cognitione
- A.Tropia, "The theory of knowledge of Francisco Macedo of St. Augustine". Book seminar around the book "La teoria della conoscenza di Francisco Macedo. Un filosofo tra Tommaso e Scoto, Carocci 2021". (University of Porto, Instituto de Filosofia) (September 2-3, 2021). Program here: https://ifilosofia.up.pt/activities/anna-tropia-on-agostinho-de-macedo?fbclid=IwAR3Tz2TpZd6DIScZIi2u9tdXVL1DHXw8Gv9xdB2NSat_cLkUlF5gNRtYpHc
- D. De Santis, "Intenzionalità e percezione in Maximilian Beck", workshop on the concept of representation in phenomenology (Tor Vergata, Rome) (February 15, 2021)
- A.Tropia, "Francisco Macedo on Intuitive and Abstractive Cognition", presentation at the online conference "Cognitive Issues in the Long Scotist Tradition" (February 11-13, 2021) organised by Daniel Heider and Claus A. Andersen (Theological Faculty, Budweis)